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Admin CP: Remove email notification from a user?

Go to solution Solved by Daniel F,

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On 1/7/2022 at 3:54 PM, Daniel F said:

You can disable them on his ACP Member Profile.

CleanShot 2022-01-07 at 14.53.47@2x.png

Only one by one? There is no way I can remove all notifications from a say bouncing email user who still follows some content?

I removed them ok, I was hoping there is a REMOVE ALL button somehow.


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23 hours ago, dutchsnowden said:

Only one by one? There is no way I can remove all notifications from a say bouncing email user who still follows some content?

I removed them ok, I was hoping there is a REMOVE ALL button somehow.


You can log in as the member in question from the ACP, go to his notification settings, and at the bottom of the page, select: "Stop all email notifications".

I wish this option also existed in the ACP, so logging in as the member wasn't necessary.

Edited by PPlanet
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