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Statistics Users Overview Feedback & Charts Widget

The Old Man

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Nice touch, Team IPS!

I'm not sure when it was added to the Stats section, perhaps I've just never noticed it before, but in Stats > Users Overview it shows us some nicely presented stats on some custom profile fields we have set up, effectively community meta data that would otherwise be hidden. True if you configured it, you can do a search for members with specific custom fields, but it's just a list of members.


My custom fields are nothing high value but maybe a year or so ago just for fun I'd added a birth zodiac sign field to members profiles, so not everyone in the last 20 years would have used it, but the report instantly shows the highest and lowest number of members with particular birth signs.

Also as my community is primarily about a particular short lived TV series, I have a field set up much longer ago where people can select their favourite of the 3 seasons, if they have any. I also have custom profile fields (select form fields) for favourite episodes, characters, directors, writers, etc but for some reason only these 2 show on the Users Overview page.

It used to be that this was really just individual data seen when looking at a members profile, but the User Overview in AdminCP sheds some light and perspective on the data, and without needing Google to do it!



So yes, thanks Team IPS for adding this, it's a nice, innovative touch.

In terms of feedback suggestions, it would be nice to have:

  • A quick toggle to switch chart type, say a donut or pie chart.
  • New Stats Chart widget block - I'd love to be able to show these 2 charts on the front end, so perhaps a Stats Chart block that you could add like the other widget blocks,  Further you could also add multiple charts to a dedicated page created via Pages.
  • Add a Custom Fields section to the Users section with all the custom profile fields and more display and filter options.


Edited by The Old Man
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