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Missing image share on faecbook

Go to solution Solved by opentype,

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As you can see. I changed to Default theme, but it's the same. Facebook crawl with meta tag like this:

<meta og:image content="link-picture-url">

But i see, my website always show one link like this:

<meta property="og:image" content="http://hackinos.com/uploads/monthly_2021_12/Banner.png.37e5af42cd4602371c13c9d118f3d4a6.png">

I beleive this is only fix with add the code into forums, but i don't know how to add it. Please help, tks.




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4 minutes ago, opentype said:

Yes, that is the “Default Sharer Image” set in the ACP under “Icons and Logos”. If that image is present, it will be used for all forum posts. 

Sure. Hope the next version can fix this for improve social media. Because each time i share on facebook, i need to add manually meta tag.

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