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Board is using a lot of ram?

Go to solution Solved by NerdCore,

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Our host notified us that the board is hitting RAM limits, even thought we only have few visitors. It seems like some coding doesn't support our current PHP version 7.4 CGIFAST or something else is wrong with the site.

We disabled all plugins and applications, but something is using all of our ram. What can we do?


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As your site was built with custom PHP you might need to contact a
developer to troubleshoot the underlying issue. The traffic does not seem
to be that high, it is likely that the site is not well optimized to work
with PHP 7.4.


It takes 50-90 seconds to load a page. The site keeps going offline (error 500) due to ram too high. Please help. We have been using invision since 2017 and this is the first major problem with it.

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  • Solution
2 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Is it any page you're hitting where you're noticing this or specific pages? Could you please update the access information on file in the Client Area? We can then take a look to see if there is anything that stands out here. 

After contacting our host again. First time they claimed it is because of invision's script. Now they say it is because their shared hosting is having performance issues which are not caused by our sites.

This seems to not have anything to do with invision. Thank you Jim, you may lock this as there is nothing else to do than wait.

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1 minute ago, NerdCore said:

After contacting our host again. First time they claimed it is because of invision's script. Now they say it is because their shared hosting is having performance issues which are not caused by our sites.

This seems to not have anything to do with invision. Thank you Jim, you may lock this as there is nothing else to do than wait.

You're very welcome. Hope they get it resolved quickly for you 🙂 .


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