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Some entries of a page database are not accessible since 4.6

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Since 4.6.8, it seems that some of our articles on a page database have become inaccessible with error 500, for example: https://fallout-generation.com/actualités/association/le-wasteland-week-end-arrive-en-france-1ère-convention-fallout-génération-officielle-le-22-23-24-octobre-2021-r207/

When others are working correctly : https://fallout-generation.com/actualités/autres-post-apo/le-retour-de-fallen-earth-en-2021-r213/

I also get a 500 error if I try to change the category of the record (but it moves correctly) and there doesn't seem to be any noticeable differences in the structure and titles of these records 😕

Thanks 🙂

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Here is an extract of log on one of the impacted pages: 

GET /actualit%C3%A9s/association/le-wasteland-week-end-arrive-en-france-1%C3%A8re-convention-fallout-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ration-officielle-le-22-23-24-octobre-2021-r207/ HTTP/1.0729Apache SSL/TLS access

AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\\cms\\Records\\_CommentTopicSync::report($reportContent, $reportType = 1) must be compatible with IPS\\_Content::report($reportContent, $reportType = 1, $member = null) in /var/www/vhosts/fallout-generation.com/httpdocs/applications/cms/sources/Records/CommentTopicSync.php on line 177', referer: https://fallout-generation.com/

And unfortunately this also impacts the notification system if I make a database modification on an impacted entry and it generates a notification: 
AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\cms\Records\_CommentTopicSync::report($reportContent, $reportType = 1) must be compatible with IPS\_Content::report($reportContent, $reportType = 1, $member = null) in /var/www/vhosts/fallout-generation. com/httpdocs/applications/cms/sources/Records/CommentTopicSync.php on line 177', referer: https://fallout-generation.com/


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7 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Just talked with one of our developers and they are aware of an issue which will need to be patched concerning this issue you're encountering. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ok thanks! We did my update yesterday just after a server change, I thought that our infrastructure change was the cause of our problems, that's why I was a bit late to show up (and that explains my mood :o), usually IPBoard doesn't give me any trouble unlike Mediawiki, but it seems that the latter is very eager to take its revenge 😕

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1 hour ago, kims79 said:


The apc doesn't offer me to download the patch, I have to download a clean version from invision directly? 


The patch will be in ACP > Support, it isn’t a normal upgrade.

1 hour ago, kims79 said:

I downloaded a clean version on the ipb website, it works 🙂

Glad to hear that you found a way to apply it and it works 👍

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