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Edit Content within Moderator Approval Queue


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It would be great to be able to edit content within the moderator approval queue. Have an Edit button next to Delete. Ideally that then allows you to edit and move content as needed. But if that's too difficult to implement, maybe the edit button just takes you to the actual content to edit (in edit mode) and once you complete, save, and approve, maybe it brings you back to the approval queue for the next content to edit.

I would also like titles editable by hover/click (like they are elsewhere) and maybe the ability to add tags within this step.


Edited by AlexWebsites
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  • 3 months later...

The reported content section and the approval queue are two different things.  If you are asking about removing multiple reported content items...


Check the box next to each report you want to remove.  It will pop up a small window in the bottom center to change the status of those reports or delete them.  

If you're referring to the Approval Queue itself...  instead of dealing with the approval queue to deal with spam, just mark the user as a Spammer.  It will ban the member and delete ALL content from that user.  It will be like they never existed.  

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10 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

If you're referring to the Approval Queue itself...  instead of dealing with the approval queue to deal with spam, just mark the user as a Spammer.  It will ban the member and delete ALL content from that user.  It will be like they never existed.  

I do this as well and will just add for anyone else, you need to make sure you have that feature set up to delete content. Check off the appropriate boxes under flagging spammers. 


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