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W3 HTML Validation Errors - Duplicate Keys/Page Pagination

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Each topic in my forum that has more than one page, including topics on this forum (which is 4.6 right?), throws multiple html errors due to the page having two instances of the keys used in the pagination, which are displayed at both the top and bottom of the topic. They only way I could correct those errors was to remove this code from the forums > front > topics > topic template.

You can see it here:


and by the way, you've got 124 other errors and warnings on your 4.6 version, which is very bad for SEO...compare to:


Do you have plans to fix these and the many other errors I see in the 4.6 software?

Code removed:

{{if ( \count( $topic->commentMultimodActions() ) && ( $topic->posts > 1 OR $topic->mapped('unapproved_comments') > 0 OR $topic->mapped('hidden_comments') > 0 ) ) || $pagination}}

				<div class="ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull ipsPadding:half ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsMargin_bottom">
					{{if \count( $topic->commentMultimodActions() )}}
						<ul class="ipsButtonRow ipsPos_right ipsClearfix sm:ipsMargin_bottom:half">
								<a class="ipsJS_show" href="#elCheck_menu" id="elCheck" title='{lang="select_rows_tooltip"}' data-ipsTooltip data-ipsAutoCheck data-ipsAutoCheck-context="#elPostFeed" data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-activeClass="ipsButtonRow_active">
									<span class="cAutoCheckIcon ipsType_medium"><i class="fa fa-square-o"></i></span> <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>
									<span class='ipsNotificationCount' data-role='autoCheckCount'>0</span>
								<ul class="ipsMenu ipsMenu_auto ipsMenu_withStem ipsHide" id="elCheck_menu">
									<li class="ipsMenu_title">{lang="select_rows"}</li>
									<li class="ipsMenu_item" data-ipsMenuValue="all"><a href="#">{lang="all"}</a></li>
									<li class="ipsMenu_item" data-ipsMenuValue="none"><a href="#">{lang="none"}</a></li>
									<li class="ipsMenu_sep"><hr></li>
									<li class="ipsMenu_item" data-ipsMenuValue="hidden"><a href="#">{lang="hidden"}</a></li>
									<li class="ipsMenu_item" data-ipsMenuValue="unhidden"><a href="#">{lang="unhidden"}</a></li>
									<li class="ipsMenu_item" data-ipsMenuValue="unapproved"><a href="#">{lang="unapproved"}</a></li>
					{{if $pagination}}



  1. Error: Duplicate ID elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633.

    From line 10035, column 2; to line 10035, column 224

    <ul class='ipsPagination' id='elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633' data-ipsPaginue' data-pages='2' data-ipsPagination data-ipsPagination-pages="2" data-ipsPagination-perPage='25'>

  2. Warning: The first occurrence of ID elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633 was here.

    From line 1599, column 2; to line 1599, column 224

    <ul class='ipsPagination' id='elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633' data-ipsPaginue' data-pages='2' data-ipsPagination data-ipsPagination-pages="2" data-ipsPagination-perPage='25'>

  3. Error: Duplicate ID elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633_jump.

    From line 10051, column 6; to line 10051, column 211

    mp'> <a href='#' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#elPagination_0d84392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633' id='elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633_jump'>Page 1

  4. Warning: The first occurrence of ID elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633_jump was here.

    From line 1615, column 6; to line 1615, column 211

    mp'> <a href='#' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#elPagination_0d84392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633' id='elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633_jump'>Page 1

  5. Error: Duplicate ID elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633_jump_menu.

    From line 10052, column 6; to line 10052, column 131

    </a> <div class='ipsMenu ipsMenu_narrow ipsPadding ipsHide' id='elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633_jump_menu'>

  6. Warning: The first occurrence of ID elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633_jump_menu was here.

    From line 1616, column 6; to line 1616, column 131

    </a> <div class='ipsMenu ipsMenu_narrow ipsPadding ipsHide' id='elPagination_0d84dfb8b6392cf011e295693b7c56a0_918124633_jump_menu'>

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