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Just updated and it messed up my header logo.

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3 minutes ago, Eudemon said:


in your theme setting you have it set to 194% height, i'd say first work on that


Yeah. Just did that. Brought it to 99 and it's way small now. Still not centered either. Thanks.

Edited by Subseven
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you have the header display set as flex, and justify-content between,

meaning each element inside the flex container will take up all remainder space between the other element

since you only have logo and then user nav, it will make logo all the way left and nav all the way right of parent element

to make logo center, simply add an empty div before the <a> logo and give some width


Edited by Eudemon
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30 minutes ago, Eudemon said:

you have the header display set as flex, and justify-content between,

meaning each element inside the flex container will take up all remainder space between the other element

since you only have logo and then user nav, it will make logo all the way left and nav all the way right of parent element

to make logo center, simply add an empty div before the <a> logo and give some width



So I switched themes and it's still like that. I guess it's the same setting? Can't find where to add the empty div. Can you point me there?

Edited by Subseven
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1 minute ago, Eudemon said:

theme -> edit html -> globalTemplate

That's where I am. Not sure where to put the edits. Need it centered and full size.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->bcp47()"}" dir="{{if member.language()->isrtl}}rtl{{else}}ltr{{endif}}">
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				{template="updateWarning" app="core" group="global" params=""}
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						{{if !\in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}{template="userBar" app="core" group="global" params=""}{{endif}}
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				{{if !\in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}{template="mobileNavBar" app="core" group="global" params=""}{{endif}}
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					<div id='ipsLayout_mainArea'>
						{template="acknowledgeWarning" if="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->members_bitoptions['unacknowledged_warnings']" params="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->warnings( 1, FALSE )" group="global" app="core"}
						{{if !\in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses ) and !member.members_bitoptions['profile_completion_dismissed'] and $nextStep = member.nextProfileStep()}}
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			<footer id='ipsLayout_footer' class='ipsClearfix'>
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			{template="guestTermsBar" if="!\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id and \IPS\Settings::i()->guest_terms_bar" app="core" group="global" params="base64_encode( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url )"}
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			{{if settings.fb_pixel_enabled and settings.fb_pixel_id and $noscript = \IPS\core\Facebook\Pixel::i()->noscript()}}


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