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Strip html tags from parsed RSS


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Hi all, I'm struggling to find a way to prevent/remove the <p> tags from text produced by the RSS Import block

The following code in the 'content' section of the block...

{{if !empty( $items ) }}
{{foreach $items as $item}}
		<div class="link"><a href="{$item['link']}" target="_blank"><h3>{$item['title']}</h3></a></div>

....produces text with a paragraph <p> around the content, e.g.

The <p> tag isn't in the original RSS feeds, and I've tried many feeds, so it's being introduced by the block. The above text was parsed from http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml
Do any of you know how I can prevent the tag being added, or strip the tag from the results?
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Thanks a million @Nathan Explosion! That worked perfectly

My next quest is to figure out how to turn the 10 digit date string the IPS block is parsing from the RSS feed into a human readable format, for example:

The RSS feed says "Sun, 21 Feb 2021 19:35:59 GMT" but the block is pulling out....

["date"]=> int(1613939402)

and it just shows the last time the feed was updated when the following default code in the block is used


I'm assuming it'll be something simple I'm missing! 🤔

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