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Customer address in Download member list


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Every year we send out an item by post to all of our members, is it possible to request that the customer address be added to the "Download member" list please? There are load of option in there but the address details are not one of them.

I spend a lot of time in SQL exporting and trying to format the details in to the format I require for shipping every year which I would like to avoid if possible as its very tedious.


Thanks 🙂

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Sorry to bump but its the time of year again when I need to do a mass export of customer addresses, is this on the roadmap yet?

Even if it helps get it in for next year so I don't have to spend a lot of time in Excel trying to format the data from SQL in to a usable format 🙂

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You can create a feed block that lists members, and use this code to display their email addresses. Add the block to a page that only the admin has access to, load the page, and you can then copy and text the list of email addresses:

<h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title'>
{{if $display === 'csv'}}
<div class='ipsWidget_inner {{if $orientation == 'vertical'}}ipsPad{{else}}ipsPad_half{{endif}}'>
	{{if count( $members )}}
		<ul class='ipsList_inline ipsList_csv ipsList_noSpacing'>
			{{foreach $members as $row}}
		<p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_medium ipsType_light'>{lang="widget_members_no_results"}</p>
<div class='ipsWidget_inner {{if $orientation == 'vertical'}}ipsPad{{else}}ipsPad_half{{endif}}'>
	{{if count( $members ) }}
		<ul class='ipsList_reset'>
			{{foreach $members as $member}}
				<li class='ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_tiny cAnnouncement'>
					{template="userPhoto" group="global" app="core" params="$member, 'tiny'"}
						<h4 class='ipsType_large ipsType_reset'>{$member->link()|raw} <a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$member->member_id}&do=reputation" seoTemplate="profile_reputation" seoTitle="$member->members_seo_name"}'  class='ipsPos_right ipsRepBadge {{if $member->pp_reputation_points > 0}}ipsRepBadge_positive{{elseif $member->pp_reputation_points < 0}}ipsRepBadge_negative{{else}}ipsRepBadge_neutral{{endif}}'><i class='fa {{if $member->pp_reputation_points > 0}}fa-plus-circle{{elseif $member->pp_reputation_points < 0}}fa-minus-circle{{else}}fa-circle-o{{endif}}'></i> {number="$member->pp_reputation_points"}</a></h4>
						<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_small'>{lang="widget_member_joined_date" htmlsprintf="$member->joined->html()"}</span>
						{{if $member->last_activity}}
							<br><span class='ipsType_light ipsType_small'>{lang="widget_member_last_active_date" htmlsprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $member->last_activity )->html()"}</span>
		<p class='ipsType_reset'>{lang="widget_members_no_results"}</p>


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