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Multiple item check out issue


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Has anyone able to fix the issue of multiple items (products) check out throwing an address error?

This is the error we are getting when any user check out more than 1 quantity.

We are using Paypal and its not limited with amount as I have inflated one of the product cost by 10X and still successfully able to check out and reach till PayPal payment page. But with 2 or more quantities we are facing this address invalid issue.


******The gateway has reported the billing or shipping address as invalid. Please review and ensure all addresses are entered correctly.*****

Appreciate any help or advise, please.

Thanks in advance.

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On 11/16/2020 at 11:46 PM, Morrigan said:

You should submit a ticket.

Already did and still under process.

My question to everyone was/is - Is anyone else facing the same issue? Or its me alone?

Please try to checkout 2 quantity of any product from store and see if it redirects to payment gateway or not?

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