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Just upgraded to IPS 4.5, but I have this color problem.

Cach Doan

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I just upgraded to IPS 4.5.2

However, upon creating a topic, and entering a tag, I see these color, it's so hard to see, is there a way to change this color?

I notice that the color of the text is default to IPS, only the color of the background is related to the theme. I can't seen to find a way to change the color of the text in my theme setting.



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1 hour ago, Cach Doan said:

I think this problem is related to the tag color, can we change? it and how?



Ehren is aware of this as I reported the bug a week ago and should be fixed now.

Go to your client area and download the updated/fixed theme. Or, go to the theme, edit the tag colour box and change it to your desired colour.

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Hi @Cach Doan

The "mention tags" will be fixed in the next update, coming shortly. The "white pagination background" will also be fixed in the next update, but can be fixed now by changing Button Colors > Pagination Active to #737373

Hopefully that helps - let me know if you have any further questions and I'll be happy to answer them for you!

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