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Anyone has an idea why PHP output this gibberish text

Go to solution Solved by bfarber,

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FYI: This is not a IPB related question

I have PHP business directory and one of the area is outputting this gibberish text?


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Anyone has any idea why? 

It is a PHP directory script and owner of the script could find the problem???? Almost every section is working but only one little section is creating that gibberish tex

Thank you for your help

Edited by media
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16 hours ago, media said:

It is a PHP directory script and owner of the script could find the problem???? Almost every section is working but only one little section is creating that gibberish tex


Are you sure your board hasn't been hacked?

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17 hours ago, media said:

Anyone has any idea why? 

The answer will be in the code. The output alone doesn’t give any indication. This type of output means something that is not text is sent from PHP as text. There are many reasons why this could happen. But again, the answer is in the code, not in the output. 

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The most common reason you would see this is due to broken gzip encoding.

One common cause is something in the script printing or echoing content (which can happen easily if, for example, there is whitespace in a PHP file before the opening PHP tag or after the ending PHP tag) before the actual page content is gzipped and those headers are sent to the browser.

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15 hours ago, The Old Man said:


Try turning the zlib.output_compression directive to Off in your php configuration file or Multi PHP ini settings in CPanel (Software section > basic mode > select your ini location and look at the last option named zlib.output_compression).


5 hours ago, bfarber said:

The most common reason you would see this is due to broken gzip encoding.

One common cause is something in the script printing or echoing content (which can happen easily if, for example, there is whitespace in a PHP file before the opening PHP tag or after the ending PHP tag) before the actual page content is gzipped and those headers are sent to the browser.

You guys are right ON.... A little bit both

Thank you thank you thank you... FIXED

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