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Never mind...

Mark White

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I had a detailed Question Im no pro at this by any means.

However I read as much as I can and I google a boat load...

I was able to figure out the sever upgrades and also was able to update the site software...

Then I installed the new themes I wanted for a complete site make over...

Then I removed all the old themes...

And the only thing I havent googled yet is when it ask me if I want to use an existing skin or upload one what the hell a new skin format even is... they didnt offer a cheat code or anything...lol

But I havent had any glitches and so far I have 5 or 6 themes running and Im tweaking them to suit the site and Im having a  really good two day run ... 🙂

So after many hours I returned no one had replied yet.

There is not a delete option like on my board for infinite I guess they want massive data base of archives... so I edited my own comments and said never mind... otherwise I would have simply deleted my question and thread al toghether... thats that ... Lolol 🙂

So now ya know...

Now back to tweaking my themes in there some more... Thanks though ...

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