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Release notes page suggestion - scroll to selected version


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hi, some time ago I made a suggestion about your website - IPS and its section - Release notes via ticket, but I guess it didn't make it so I go again here 🙂


Its a fine page to track all the changes, I love it. But it misses one vital user experience enriching function. When you for example scroll down some more and you click on for example on
Released 04/11/2017

The information loads but you have to manually scroll back up to see it. That is not a good user experience. IMHO whenever a tab with a version is clicked you have to be automatically scrolled back up to the top automatically so you can see what was done in that version. 🙂

hope you come up with a fix, share it on https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/pages/recreating-the-release-notes-section/introduction-r101/ so I can make one myself 🙂

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