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How to Edit User Menu (ipsMenu_item)


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Hi everyone,

We are trying to remove some of the options within the user menu dropdown but can not seem to figure out nor find online how to edit the dropdown menu. We have tried looking throughout several css files but still can not get it to work.

Here is what I mean: http://prntscr.com/qm1whq

If anyone knows or can guide me on how to edit the menu (in this case just trying to remove a few items) please let me know.

Thank you,


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40 minutes ago, fix3r said:

When editing your style and trying to remove items from the user drop down you shouldn't be looking in the CSS tab it would be in the TEMPLATES tab


35 minutes ago, Brian A. said:


The user link menu items will be inside the UL tag.


Much appreciated everyone! Thank you all for your help!

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