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Signatures won't turn off in profiles.

Bitlab Media Group

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Moderators can only see the signature field


		if ( ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_modify_profiles') OR \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_unban') ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id != $this->member->member_id )
			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Editor( 'signature',  $this->member->signature, FALSE, array( 'app' => 'core', 'key' => 'Signatures', 'autoSaveKey' => "frontsig-" . $this->member->member_id, 'attachIds' => array(  $this->member->member_id ) ) ) );

I think it's a bug because the setting (Enable Signatures?) is respected in many areas

E.g. ACP edit profile page







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  • 5 weeks later...
On 12/18/2019 at 8:29 AM, newbie LAC said:

I think it's a bug because the setting (Enable Signatures?) is respected in many areas

I have a similar problem. I reported the issue (#41803), but support "cannot reproduce" and the last advice is to reload everything. The issue is visible on the default skin, disabling plugins makes no difference. I skipped uploading "fresh files" from Client Area (see below why *) and this is the moment support won't continue.

The issue is that I have all Signatures options disabled, but I see still two places referring to Signatures. My settings:

- Members > Profiles > Profile settings > Enable Signatures? off
- In each standard group (Users, Moderators, Administrators, custom group being a secondary for some Users) > Group settings > Can use signatures? off. Actually, the group settings were not visible at all when Enable Signatures? was off, so after some discussion in my ticket, to make sure I re-enabled Signatures globally to get the group settings, then disabled Signatures for each group and then again disabled Signatures globally. The group settings are again not visible showing that "Enable Signatures?" takes a precedence over group settings.

As expected:
- In Admin CP I no longer can see and edit Signature fields while inspecting user profiles (Profile Data).
- Signatures are not displayed in topics.
- Signature settings in Account Settings are not present at all for the mentioned groups.


1. All standard groups see a reference to Signature in the Ignore dialog accessible via account menu > Ignored Users > Add new user to ignore list > select some user:


2. Moderators/Administrators with an "unrestricted" setting (includes a permission to edit user profiles) when editing other users profiles directly from a profile see a Signature editor below an About me editor. So Administrator in Admin CP has no Signature editor accessible, but when the same is done via frontend the editor is present...


* The first time I noticed the problem was just after I upgraded from 3.x to 4.3.5 in 2018. I assumed this is a bug and waited for a new forum version. Since that time I upgraded forum many times, finally landing on the latest Originally I even did not have any plugins installed, currently I have 4 (General Statistics, Post Number, PHP & TXT Widget, Change Post Date ). Yesterday I also removed all already saved Signatures, less than 200 records anyway. Signatures were enabled on 3.x, I disabled them just after upgrading to 4.x, but without pruning the saved data. So just in case I blanked saved Signatures too.

Does anybody else see the same issue? Any tips?


Edited by Luuuk
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2 hours ago, Luuuk said:

2. Moderators/Administrators with an "unrestricted" setting (includes a permission to edit user profiles) when editing other users profiles directly from a profile see a Signature editor below an About me editor. So Administrator in Admin CP has no Signature editor accessible, but when the same is done via frontend the editor is present...

Fixed in 4.4.10

2 hours ago, Luuuk said:

1. All standard groups see a reference to Signature in the Ignore dialog accessible via account menu > Ignored Users > Add new user to ignore list > select some user:

Submit a ticket

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  • 5 months later...
On 1/17/2020 at 3:04 PM, bfarber said:

I'll go ahead and open a bug report to get that second point checked into. (...) if we can reproduce it probably won't be until 4.5 that the issue is fixed based on current dev projections.

I see in the release notes that the issue will be fixed in 4.5:

Fixed an issue where signature options would still show when ignoring users even with signatures disabled.

Thanks a lot!

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