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Downloads Extra field type Button


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I know that there is no such type for extra fields, but is there any trick (or ready plugin), to add links which will appear as button. I thought that editor can do this by entering:

<a href='https://www.christeris.com' class='ipsButton ipsButton_normal'>ChrisTERiS</a>

but I had no luck. Same when I tried as text type. Any idea?

Thank you


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11 minutes ago, opentype said:

You can use the “Add Button” function in the ACP to achieve this. 

Don’t forget that certain features like CSS classes and iframes need to be whitelisted before non-admins can use them in the editor. 

Thank you. Do you mean at this page? Can't see any available button to do this work. Also checked the setting where I found what css classes to allow.



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