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I have 40++ forums, I have been checking this out in-depth, what I found was all my forums but one was not listed in Google. What in the heck? 40 plus forums with thousands of posts not in google or have been submitted.. They were there years ago... Years ago my site went from hero to zero and I ost everything, now I know why, sitemap wasn't working and still years later is not.

The only forum listed in google out of 40 plus forums


Here's an example of another category with 40k plus posts


But wait, there's more... NO Posts out of the 40k are even listed in google in this same forum


I have other forums and posts when fetching the urls where it says Not found in sitemap... ? Why... 

Years I have been listening to many here say they've lost a lot, now I see why,, the site map is not working.. This is major upsetting, I went from making a living off my site to losing it all over this.

@bfarber any solutions here?






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5 minutes ago, DesignzShop said:

 Years ago my site went from hero to zero and I ost everything, now I know why, sitemap wasn't working and still years later is not.

That’s impossible. A “non-working” sitemap does not not remove pages from the index, nor is a sitemap even required. It’s just an optional tool to speed up bot discovery instead of letting Google find everything by crawling links it finds. 

Since you are hiding your site from the screenshot, the only way to resolve something would be through a ticket. There isn’t anything we could check here based on screenshots alone. 


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2 hours ago, jesuralem said:

well, i have a little idea about the site address 🙂  :

Are the urls in the sitemap ?

No, they are not, that's my point My issue is not with my urls not in google but why they are not in my site map according to google. Let me clarify that. Ticket submitted.

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Do you have the gallery installed? I've just identified and fixed a bug in the sitemap which affected everybody with the gallery app being installed. A patch for this should be available soon.

20 hours ago, DesignzShop said:

No, they are not, that's my point My issue is not with my urls not in google but why they are not in my site map according to google. Let me clarify that. Ticket submitted.


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7 hours ago, Sonya* said:

@DesignzShop, I can see all your topics in your sitemap. Have you just generated it again?

Yes, Lindy done the rebuild last night, now I have another issue I'm about to report. I hope the map keeps building on new topics now, I hope. The next issue has to do with pages, I have pages taking on forum seo information for some reason. My index page for example has my cymbal forum seo info, if I change the cymbal forum through the live editor it then changes the index page from pages seo to that.. .. Weird stuff going on

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7 hours ago, Sonya* said:

There is nothing wrong with you meta tags. They are not empty. If you edit the meta tags on your screen, you will see it. And if you open the URLs listed above and see the source of the page. There are description and keywords meta tags set.

Hello Sonya, the index page is now reading correctly because I manually had to fill out some information in the index page meta tag entry in the acp after the live meta tag editor left out vital information, like the page name for example in the record. IPB is looking into that now as to why the record had information left out when it should of been created by the live meta tag editor. Because the page name was left out, for some reason the page in question would use another meta tag entry. Hope that explains this issue better.

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18 hours ago, bfarber said:

Sitemaps are not "required" so to say anything related to the site map makes a "huge issue" is probably going to be pretty rare.

If you have Gallery installed, it is possible the sitemap task may stall. This is fixed in the next release.

is this bug in 4.4.8 or in 4.4.7 also? I was just going to upgrade

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