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(Pages) Show Records in Listing?


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in Pages we have a setting "Show Records in Listing?" for the category. 


I wonder what is this setting good for and where it is respected? I do not see any difference in categories listing having this setting ON or OFF. Where is the difference? Can someone clarify? Thank you!


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With it turned on, even for an empty category you will get a full records table telling you there are “0 records” and the buttons to add, follow and so on. If the category just holds other categories and no records, turning that off is better to avoid the display of unwanted stuff. 

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OK. This was weird for me as I thought that no records will be listed in this category if turned off. It means that IF we have records in the category AND have this setting OFF then there are still no changes compared to other categories. The records are still listed there. It only applies if the category does not contain any record. Right?

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