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Good practise for translation of many untranslated phrases


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I detected many untranslated phrases and thought about a efficient way to translate them on my own. The Google-translater quality increased over time, but it is laborious to c&p every single phrase between the the browser windows. Is there a better way, a tool maybe, to copy a phrase into clipboard, let it translate and paste directly into the form? How do you manage this if you run a non-english board? Thank you for any hints.

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I don't know but I think the easiest way is to download the English languaged xml file and have it translated. Then install it again as a new language with the correct name and country code for your language.

I have a Dutch languaged board. I just bought the Dutch translation (which is quite good by the way) and then update the rest manually.

However if there are better ways I'm also curious so I will follow this topic.

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