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mv admin directory question


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When I mv my admin directory to a random name for security, the URL when entered (such as host.com/asdf1234) takes me back to the old admin URL (such as host.com/admin). There is no .htaccess file, so not sure what is redirecting from the directory name back to the old admin directory. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Derek

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You need to add a constant to constants.php for this purpose, however note that we may not support the behavior forever.

			// These constants were once customisable but their fucntionality should now be
			// considered deprecated.
				// AdminCP Obscurity Settings
				// It was once recommended for site owners to rename the directory for security
				// and set the CP_DIRECTORY constant so some links still work, the upgrader can put
				// files in the right place, etc. While it is still honoured, it is no longer recommended
				// as much more secure alternatives like two factor authentication now exist.
				'CP_DIRECTORY'	=> 'admin',	// The name of the directory where the AdminCP is


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