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Google Calendar API Integration/Feed Import


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Google displays events from all different websites and feeds that submit their calendar of events or have the markup in place to index them. I've struggled with finding good feeds to import into the calendar IPS APP and our members don't really use it to add events because they are too busy doing this elsewhere like facebook or not at all. If I search for lets say "music event" in google, I can get a bunch of events displayed like so:



Would be great to somehow integrate or be able to use Google's Calendar API to import events into our IPS calendars like a feed. Google is indexing facebook calendars, feeds from websites, etc. You would be able to have a real robust calendar of events if you were able to somehow create a google feed or use their API to import events with lets say a certain key word or phrase.

Just an idea and maybe there is already a way to do this, not sure. Looking for feedback and input. Maybe an app or plugin to do something this? I can see it being very beneficial for a community as well as to create additional pages to share, comment, etc.


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On 5/28/2019 at 10:52 AM, bfarber said:

You can import events via ICS already, which is pretty much the standard and has been for forever. Google calendar allows you to export your calendar as ICS (which you can import into your community).

I have to import each time when I add new event? 

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