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Make Topics a Default tab in Clubs

Fierce God

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Even though a admin may have a nice FAQ on how to make a club, maybe a user may not want to look thru the FAQ at first. They might want to make the club first, then find out more what all they can do


well (IMO) it makes since to have the Topics tab be a default tab like the overview and members tab, that way at least it gives the owner of the group a chance to play around with the topics, see what it can do, then have the "I want more" idea pop in there head and then click the manage club...or go finally read the FAQ?


**I am half sure or pretty sure "Club Enhancements" doesn't do this (i may be wrong, but i look at settings and didn't see this option)

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I understand you 100%


but i mean like in acp, when setting options for members to make clubs

it would be good to be able to make a tab (topics seems more feasible) auto come out or show for the club to display


just a suggestion and thought as a way to make clubs look more appealing when setting up for first time 

@Daniel F @Adriano Faria

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Ok, then throw out "Topics"


Then be able to have the option to make any tab available and auto show up when a member makes a club

I say this as a acp club setting option due to when you, me, anyone, first makes a club, and then clicks saves, goes into the club..............lmao, all they see is overview and members tab?

so as admin, owner, we could, should, suggesting, to have the option to have one more default tab show up on clicking save for a club to be made


This setting should only be managed here > acp > to pick the tab or not pick one and just show the blank slate 

(Mine have been changed to Game groups aka clubs) 


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I understand where you are coming from with this, but pondering default tabs isn’t the right solution. 

An empty club can indeed be confusing. This could be solved by having an “assistant process” started when clubs were just created. Just like the Complete Your Profile feature. It could tell the owner on the main page “You haven’t added any sections to your clubs yet. Do that now.” … “You haven’t invited any members yet. Here is a link to do that” and so on. 

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15 minutes ago, opentype said:

An empty club can indeed be confusing. This could be solved by having an “assistant process” started when clubs were just created. Just like the Complete Your Profile feature. It could tell the owner on the main page “You haven’t added any sections to your clubs yet. Do that now.” … “You haven’t invited any members yet. Here is a link to do that” and so on. 


OMG yes, i totally agree with that way right there @opentype!! 

+1000 for that

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