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Recommended articles


Recommended Posts

Hi, Ive been writing it on IPS 5 topic, but I think it can be at separate topic here also.

Forum is very important thing, but articles (pages) is the 2nd leg that is most important for us, and I believe for many clients.

There should be recommended articles out of box at IPPages. If someone finish reading one article it should have on bottom next few (5 for example) recommended to stay at our site. 

Ive made a block for it, and it works fine, but I have 2 issues:

- block is visible under articles, which is fine, but it is also visible on main page of article list (list view), and on category view under the lists. Which have no sense, because on categories there should be only categories, and on main page it duplicates content from top of page. 
- if some reads newest article on bottom of it block show 5 last articles, so the one which is already open is on 1st place, which have no sense of course, because we want to recommend him another next articles, not the one he already read.

So I now have recommender articles, but is not working good.

The best way will be loading next article under the one was read by user by ajax or sth like that. I think that IPS and even plugins didnt support it nowright? It definitely should 🙂 I see many modern technological pages that works like that - user stays on it, because, next article is given him on after another, and he is interested. People are lazy this days, its sad, but world works this way. 

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