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12 hours ago, asigno said:

But I've setup my site to remove ads for paying users. I'm not sure I've got that balance right yet.

How did you incorporate this?

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  • AlexWebsites

    I've recently moved one of my sites over to Ezoic. It was pretty easy through cloudflare. I had to disable some of the JS, CSS and minify settings under LEAP though, because of issues.  For disabling

  • @CoffeeCake I've realised my comment wasn't very clear. There are different types of plan, e.g. Ezoic+, Premium and Pro. Premium and Pro are both invite only, which I am on. But inside these plans the

  • AlexWebsites

    I put it in the global template before the head.  It's usergroup ID. For multiple usergroups, follow the logic posted here:   

Posted Images

14 hours ago, AlexWebsites said:

How did you incorporate this?


  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/21/2019 at 10:25 PM, asigno said:

I set a cookie to certain user groups, Ezoic then don't display ads to those browsers with cookies.

I use GTM to set the cookie on login.

I've recently moved one of my sites over to Ezoic. It was pretty easy through cloudflare. I had to disable some of the JS, CSS and minify settings under LEAP though, because of issues.  For disabling ads to subscriber groups, have you tried setting a meta tag under disable ads by page? Create a meta tag and then wrap it to show only for certain user groups you don't want to show ads to. Create the name and content, something like:

{{if member.inGroup('x')}}
	<meta name="ezoicstopads" content="subscribers" />




@AlexWebsites Hi no I haven't tried that method, it was available when I moved to Ezoic. It's probably a less resource intensive method than setting cookies, and saves the issues around cookie deletion. I'll have to take a further look when I have time. Cheers

  • 1 month later...

@asigno are you using ezoic leap optimization settings? If so, what are you optimizing through ezoic and what are you running on your end in terms of caching and optimization server side; redis, etc.

Through LEAP, I only have images and content activated. Script Execution, Minify, and CSS seemed to cause some theme issues.


7 hours ago, AlexWebsites said:

@asigno are you using ezoic leap optimization settings? If so, what are you optimizing through ezoic and what are you running on your end in terms of caching and optimization server side; redis, etc.

Through LEAP, I only have images and content activated. Script Execution, Minify, and CSS seemed to cause some theme issues.


I've got a lot to work on with this. I started with running Redis and having caching through Cloudflare. I tried some of the optimisations in Ezoic and had issues with CSRF keys with Invision. I had it running blistering fast, sub <2s then I started experiencing issues with users logging in. This is something I really need to start from the ground up again, but just haven't had the time.

  • 1 month later...

Was just invited to use Ezoic Premium, @asigno, are you still using? Is anyone else? Feedback? How is it paid, from earnings or billed? With premium, is there still a rev share on top of the added fee?

My January ads have dropped off significantly. My Novemebr and December were very good, more than adsense.

Edited by AlexWebsites

@AlexWebsites it's pretty standard for most verticals for ad rates to drop off in new year, so don't worry about that.

I'm still using Ezoic, have used it for years, and haven't managed to find anything better. I'm using Premium, can't remember what level I'm on, but they auto down scaled it due to seasonality. They auto scale it to ensure you're not paying too much for their service. I think they guarantee that you can't earn less incrementally than the extra cost you pay for the premium options.

Payment is a bug bear of mine, they don't take the payment out of your earnings, and you have to pay by credit card. Wish there was at least a PayPal option, and preferably a method to deduct from earnings. They pay out through PayPal or transfer.

3 hours ago, asigno said:

@AlexWebsites it's pretty standard for most verticals for ad rates to drop off in new year, so don't worry about that.

I'm still using Ezoic, have used it for years, and haven't managed to find anything better. I'm using Premium, can't remember what level I'm on, but they auto down scaled it due to seasonality. They auto scale it to ensure you're not paying too much for their service. I think they guarantee that you can't earn less incrementally than the extra cost you pay for the premium options.

Payment is a bug bear of mine, they don't take the payment out of your earnings, and you have to pay by credit card. Wish there was at least a PayPal option, and preferably a method to deduct from earnings. They pay out through PayPal or transfer.

Good feedback. I suppose I can expense the fee.


we have tried all possible combinations to make their cdn cache works but we always get 

x-ezoic-cdn: Miss .

Ezoic support proposed us to remove cookies for guests but I think this isn`t a proper solution.

Have you got any idea because we are ready to leave ezoic ??!!!

@Jirinex sorry I don't use their cloud caching service.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there!

I recently started with Ezoic and am experiencing issues with login through Firefox.

I added an exception to avoid caching /login/ page.

Anyone experienced this issue?

8 hours ago, Ibai said:

Hey there!

I recently started with Ezoic and am experiencing issues with login through Firefox.

I added an exception to avoid caching /login/ page.

Anyone experienced this issue?

I don't cache or optimize much through ezoic as it causes template issues. My current leap settings:


On 2/11/2022 at 9:56 PM, AlexWebsites said:

I don't cache or optimize much through ezoic as it causes template issues. My current leap settings:


Hi Alex!

Thanks for your reply! I had Leap turned off and encouraged to turn it on 🙂 

Just did it, and tried with everything in ON. The site is working well and seems that Google Speed Test improved drastically my ranking in Desktop to 92 😮 

However, in mobile is giving very poor performance. Even worse, which is a bit surprising... Did you get this feeling?

On the other hand, I turned off Caching just to see if this was in conflict with my site login. And.. it's not.  Since I have Ezoic, users from Firefox cannot login and from Chrome I also have issues, sometimes I need to do 2-3 trials until I get logged in.

Do you think I did anything wrong? :s 

How are you integrating Ezoic? Is it through cloudflare? I’m running through cloudflare. Are you caching anything server side? I would make sure you aren’t caching JS as a start.

49 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

How are you integrating Ezoic? Is it through cloudflare? I’m running through cloudflare. Are you caching anything server side? I would make sure you aren’t caching JS as a start.

I am not running through cloudflare, just pointed my DNS to Ezoic.

I was caching and as I thought it was caching issue, turned it off so I can check the relation and... nope, even with caching off, login is not working as expected. I don't know what to do.

I wasn't using LEAP before my first post here, so it has nothing to be with LEAP as well... 

Wrote to Ezoic and am waiting if they can see anything wrongly set up.

@Ibai What are your ezoic cache settings? I have all cache misses because I have disabled caching for cookies. 




My cache hit rate is always very low



7 hours ago, AlexWebsites said:

@Ibai What are your ezoic cache settings? I have all cache misses because I have disabled caching for cookies. 




My cache hit rate is always very low



Good point... In fact, it's the same... However, still with login issues. I thought it was only related to Firefox but some members claim that this happens with any browser. Eventually they manage to login, though several trials are needed.


We've got different setting for Override Cache Control Headers. Could this be the issue?

Then, this is what I set up in the excluding tab. I first thought this was "do not cache", maybe I'm wrong?


Anyhow, I turned the cache off some days ago and I was also having login issues. So it should be sth else which I don't understand... Any ideas are welcome.

Thank you very much mate!

So how else are you caching, anything server side? 

I am testing Override Cache Control Headers on one site as of today. I turned it on to see if my cache hit rate goes on. So far no login issues. 

I don't have anything in Exclude rules


On 2/16/2022 at 9:26 PM, AlexWebsites said:

So how else are you caching, anything server side? 

I am testing Override Cache Control Headers on one site as of today. I turned it on to see if my cache hit rate goes on. So far no login issues. 

I don't have anything in Exclude rules


Hey Alex,

Sorry for not replying earlier. I've been performing tests. Thanks for your feedback, I copied your config 😛 and understood better the behaviour.

However... still with login issues. I don't know what to do and what could be affecting to this. 

Do you have any cache setting via htaccess?

Are you doing anything with caching cookies either Ezoic or cloudflare?

6 hours ago, AlexWebsites said:

Do you have any cache setting via htaccess?

Are you doing anything with caching cookies either Ezoic or cloudflare?

Hi Alex,

I don't use Cloudfare and what I set up in Ezoic I already shared in this topic. I mainly copied your settings. I erased all advanced settings I had. So... not sure if the issue is there...

I don't have any additional tools, the only thing I can say is that yes, I do use .htaccess caching. I don't know if there can be conflicts with Ezoic's configuration. This is my .htaccess content:

<files config.lib.php3>
      Order Deny,Allow
      Deny From All
ErrorDocument 400 /error.php
ErrorDocument 401 /error.php
ErrorDocument 403 /error.php
ErrorDocument 404 /error.php
ErrorDocument 500 /error500.html

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# ponemos el WWW
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RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/[A-F0-9]{32}\.txt(?:\ Comodo\ DCV)?$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well-known/pki-validation/[A-F0-9]{32}\.txt(?:\ Comodo\ DCV)?$
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RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/[A-F0-9]{32}\.txt(?:\ Comodo\ DCV)?$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well-known/pki-validation/[A-F0-9]{32}\.txt(?:\ Comodo\ DCV)?$
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

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# For more information, read our documentation (https://go.cpanel.net/EA4ModifyINI)
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I would download the htaccess from the acp as bare. Save this version to revert to after testing. See if your problem is resolved. If it is, work backwards to see if there is an issue/conflict.

46 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

I would download the htaccess from the acp as bare. Save this version to revert to after testing. See if your problem is resolved. If it is, work backwards to see if there is an issue/conflict.

Thanks for the idea once again.

Nothing, tried reseting the .htaccess and perform some login tests and still with issues. Firefox always fails and I need some trials until I get in.

Woah, what a mystery :s  😞 


Are you using ezoic nameservers ?

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