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Redis Settings - Specify Database ID

The Old Man

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If you have a number of Redis enabled IPS installs on your VPS/Dedicated Server, I'm guessing that they all use the same Redis Database.

I noticed in Wordpress W3 Total Cache that there is an option to specify which Redis Database ID to use, so that you can separate Redis Caching.

Would this be useful to have in IPS4x?

Final thought, if you have multiple IPS installs on the same server and they all use the same database, does impact the results displayed in the Redis Stats information in the Support Section?

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Redis doesn't really have separate "databases" as it's not actually a database server. We do segregate caches we store in Redis based on a key unique to the site, and the stats in the AdminCP only reflect the data for that site. Memory available/used is going to be whatever Redis reports directly, but things like "topic views" are only for the site in question.

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