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Forum Index (select categories)

Ocean West

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Is there a way (hopefully) If not toss it on the future whiteboard.  😁

to create an index page that is the product of 2 or more specific categories like:

Say i pick

  • https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/307-community-led-resources/
  • https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/492-community-forums/

Independently you get a quasi index but only for that one categeroy and your are using the "forum" results

I want to setup a menu item that would switch the index to the selected forums but still look like the index, even if a its a 2nd level category have it explode out to
look like it was a parent on the index. 

This is not about "hiding or toggling off" categories with the down arrow, but the effect is the same (the section i crossed out wouldn't' be visible) and all views would work (and fluid view would have the appropriated sidebar widget)

If they wanted to go to another section of the site via the Menu bar it would have a different index.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Not precisely what you are after, but close. Fluid view enabled: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/?forumId=492%2C497%2C406%2C503%2C504%2C238%2C500%2C442%2C431%2C506%2C477%2C320%2C493%2C15

On 2/9/2019 at 12:53 AM, opentype said:

Can’t be done. None of the main app views can just be called (customized or not) somewhere else. There is alsways just one “index page”. 

Not remotely true. Every view can be abused and called up within any other view. Just a matter of actually knowing the code well enough to do so. CMS app does this natively, in fact, with custom database views completely outside of the norms called up via the 'pages' view.

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5 hours ago, Marcher Technologies said:

Not remotely true. Every view can be abused and called up within any other view. Just a matter of actually knowing the code well enough to do so. 

Please don’t do that. Of course EVERY functionality is possible if you can code it yourself, which makes it pointless to even point that out or use as a premise of an argument. If I say it can’t be done, it should be obvious, that I mean it can’t be done easily for a regular admins. That is usually helpful and also true in this case. It’s an answer to Ocean West, not a claim in the developer forum. Please think about perspective before making such answers. 

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Yea I know it's not an existing feature - and not sure if a Mod could be made to facilitate such a feature...

The goal of this is something I have wanted for years - I was very hopeful that clubs would be the answer to this but clubs don't fit the bill. 

I really wanted a way for me to have different indexes for different affiliates - also also provide facility for them to add / or edit forums only under their category.

And yet their forums will be visible in searches and activity streams.  But they can refer people to their forums by their URL which is their Category, forums and sub forums, and yet the display will make it look like the regular index and categories are at the parent level. And all existing chrome applies. 


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