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Sort By Feature Request


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Is it possible for us to get a 'random' Sort By feature?  I thought this already existed, but upon trying to make a custom block to randomly display new topics made in the last 30 days, I found that it wasn't a listed option.  I wanted to spotlight newer topics that changed each time the cache refreshed.

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42 minutes ago, Joel R said:

You can check out Featured Content by @onlyME.  

Thanks for the suggestion.  That app looks really nice, but it's not really what I'm looking to do.  I need the option to exist in the built-in blocks, so it would be a waste of me to buy that since I wouldn't want to use the slider features which is its main selling point.

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19 hours ago, bfarber said:

Randomly sorting tends to be extremely resource hungry, and subsequently is difficult to support in a software used by sites of all different sizes.

You're breaking my heart here.


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