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3 hours ago, Daniel F said:

You could also use the announcement feature:)

Do you mean advertisements? but there is not setting for specific forum.


3 hours ago, Makoto said:

There's not, but why are you wanting multiple links here?

I would like a link for rules, and another for list of members that can see topics, or whatever notes, I found this way is good for colocate more information and not occupy too much the forum header space. 

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3 minutes ago, kmk said:

Do you mean advertisements? but there is not setting for specific forum.


I would like a link for rules, and another for list of members that can see topics, or whatever notes, I found this way is good for colocate more information and not occupy too much the forum header space. 

No, I mean announcements. The same feature which we use here right now for the holiday closing information

Bildschirmfoto 2018-12-23 um 15.42.07.png

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