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Forum main page


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I imagine if we can have a forum main page like this, not so beautiful? And show these forums by last activity, so the forum most actived will stay up, more easy interaction, and avoiding alway the same face, because will be changed by last activity, true not boring... @Heosforo


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The ordering by activity. How should that work if you have 50 forums for example? How will you find the one you are looking for to post in when it is at a different position every day? That is very confusing. 

The background images are fine as customization for certain sites with very few forums. It is not really suitable as a general feature, since you also need a graphic designer to create the images that let the text stay legible and have the key visual in that one spot not covered by text. 

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In the case of site with many forums, can set up default show by name, I mean give option for this topic, because certainly not all site with many many forums, so if give these options will be helpful for each scenes. Like the clubs page. 


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