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How make sidebar works when using custom wrapper


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In pages app, I want to use a custom wrapper, instead of suite HTML wrapper. it's designed and I also bring drag and drop sidebar manager into this template, widgetcontainer are placed in this custom wrapper.

I can drag and drop widgets, but after reloading pages, they will disappears.

Why widgets disappears and how can I make it work.



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1 hour ago, shahed said:

In pages app, I want to use a custom wrapper, instead of suite HTML wrapper. it's designed and I also bring drag and drop sidebar manager into this template, widgetcontainer are placed in this custom wrapper.

I can drag and drop widgets, but after reloading pages, they will disappears.

Why widgets disappears and how can I make it work


Depends on your custom wrapper coding (you will need some of ips coding if want to use the block manager)

Otherwise you will need to create a block and then in your page add


into the page where you want it to be

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12 minutes ago, steve00 said:

Depends on your custom wrapper coding (you will need some of ips coding if want to use the block manager)

Otherwise you will need to create a block and then in your page add


into the page where you want it to be

Yes I implement relative IPS codes, and whole block manager system works, all the way until you just reloading the page and widgets where placed in area will disappears.

This is the custom wrapper code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->bcp47()"}" dir="{{if member.language()->isrtl}}rtl{{else}}ltr{{endif}}">
		<title>{expression="output.getTitle( $title )"}</title>
		{{if settings.ipbseo_ga_enabled}}
		<!--[if lt IE 9]>
			{{foreach \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'extra/ie8.css', 'core' ) as $css}}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$css}">{{endforeach}}
		    <script src="{url="applications/core/interface/html5shiv/html5shiv.js" base="none" protocol="\IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_RELATIVE"}"></script>
		{template="includeMeta" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""}
		{template="includeCSS" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""}
		{template="includeJS" if="theme.js_include != 'footer'" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""}
		{template="favico" app="core" group="global" location="front" params=""}
  <body class='ipsApp ipsApp_front {{if isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['hasJS'] )}}ipsJS_has{{else}}ipsJS_none{{endif}} ipsClearfix{{foreach output.bodyClasses as $class}} {$class}{{endforeach}} ipsLayout_noBackground' {{if output.globalControllers}}data-controller='{expression="implode( ',', output.globalControllers )"}'{{endif}} {{if isset( output.inlineMessage )}}data-message="{expression="output.inlineMessage"}"{{endif}} data-pageApp='{$location['app']}' data-pageLocation='front' data-pageModule='{$location['module']}' data-pageController='{$location['controller']}'>
		<a href='#elContent' class='ipsHide' title='{lang="jump_to_content_desc"}' accesskey='m'>{lang="jump_to_content"}</a>
		{template="offlineMessage" if="!settings.site_online && \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_access_offline']" app="core" group="global" params=""}
		<div id='ipsLayout_header' class='ipsClearfix'>
				<div class='ipsLayout_container'>
					{template="logo" app="core" group="global" params=""}
					{{if !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}{template="userBar" app="core" group="global" params=""}{{endif}}
		{template="navBar" app="core" group="global" params=""}
		{template="sidebar" if="theme.sidebar_position == 'left'" app="core" group="global" params="'left'"}
					<div id='ipsLayout_mainArea'>
						<a id='elContent'></a>
						{template="acknowledgeWarning" if="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->members_bitoptions['unacknowledged_warnings']" params="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->warnings( 1, FALSE )" group="global" app="core"}
						{{if !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses ) and !member.members_bitoptions['profile_completion_dismissed'] and $nextStep = member.nextProfileStep()}}
							{template="profileNextStep" group="global" app="core" params="$nextStep, true"}
						{template="widgetContainer" group="global" app="core" params="'header', 'horizontal'"}
						{template="widgetContainer" group="global" app="core" params="'footer', 'horizontal'"}
		{template="includeJS" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""}
        <footer id='ipsLayout_footer' class='ipsClearfix'>
			<div class='ipsLayout_container'>
				{template="footer" app="core" group="global" params=""}


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So you are saying by creating a new block and then adding


into your page that it doesn't work (do not mean to drag and drop, you must use the code above in your page)

or create a new template, add your code above and use that for your page (see if that makes any difference)

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23 minutes ago, opentype said:

You could consider about other solutions, like a plugin to make the changes you need to the global template(s) on just a specific page

Yes this is something I consider. it's need whole a lot of reworks.


11 minutes ago, steve00 said:

So you are saying by creating a new block and then adding


into your page that it doesn't work (do not mean to drag and drop, you must use the code above in your page)

or create a new template, add your code above and use that for your page (see if that makes any difference) 

No, this isn't what I said.

Yes adding blocks to template manually works all around in Page.

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Recently I created a new plugin for sidebar through


But it's doesn't works properly with {block ="block_name"}. setting for template are already in place and I can add anything from texts to html tags, except custom blocks, these lines won't parser as blocks. Anyone have any Idea?



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