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Will you be adding RSS to Pages Articles any time soon?

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Blogs has a feature to import via RSS as does Forums, but it's still not available in the CMS add-on Pages.

I'd like to create a new site using IPS and be able to automate the import of various site's national and local news and data feeds, severe weather warnings etc via RSS into Pages and match the relevant corresponding fields eg. image as article image etc.

Will you be adding RSS to Pages Articles/databases any time soon? It would elevate Pages to a whole new level.

Many thanks.

I've moved this from the presales forum to our feedback area, as its more a suggestion than anything.

  • Author

Thanks, I probably shouldn't have elaborated, but it was meant sincerely as an honest question as per the topic title, and I have suggested it and asked about it before, both in support tickets and here in the feedback forum.

TBH, I had hoped that perhaps with 4.4 supposedly on the near horizon scheduled for release next month there may be a chance Pages was going to get confirmed improvements. In all honesty, and this is just IMHO, the 4.4 news releases have on the whole to date been fairly lacklustre, and more in keeping with a point release. Hopefully you're going to hit us with the really juicy 4.4 stuff before too long!  

However even a canned "no plans at present" style response would have been appreciated!

Not even getting half an answer, is in keeping with a frustration I sometimes feel with IPS, you can be a good and loyal customer for a very long time (I came aboard with the Ikonboard brigade). I think Sky Television is the only business I've stayed with for longer, but as a customer there is a scenario where you can wait years for some particular improvements you've been really holding out for, or have asked for many times, and whilst of course IPS can't be expected to add everything for everyone to keep everyone happy, it sometimes feels as if our opinion isn't valued, you're all but dismissed with a swift topic move moderation, and it almost feels like being castigated for asking.


Dude...all he did was move it to a better location for an answer.

Anyway...pretty sure someone did a mod for this.



  • Management

I'm sorry for your disappointment. Please understand, feedback vetting is not something any one employee can undergo themselves. It's an elaborate process in which every department chimes in, it's then moved to an internal tracker and our roadmap is compiled based on a number of factors including how a particular suggestion fits in with the scope of a release. 

In short, it's difficult to comment on a particular suggestion unless it's already on the current release roadmap. This is not targeted for 4.4, but is unofficially (not set in stone) targeted for a future major release. In the interim, as noted, a third party resource is available to fill this need for you.


  • Author

Thank you for the response and information, much appreciated and understood. 🙂

This is what I would second to. A Truly nice function. I imagine it could work as The Old Man described - when news are scraped from rss feeds and put on ip.pages database and left there as a draft whereas I come as an admin, review the draft / make some changes and simply publish it then. That would save hours of work doing the initial copy paste and make news driven forum owners very happy.

  • Author

That's an interesting approach, making use of drafts and filtering what what you want to use before approving it. Basically cherry picking the available feed content but with the benefits of automation.

I've looked at the existing marketplace add-on a number of times, but felt the cost was far too expensive for what is basically a set and forget tool, this is the perfect example of a mod that would benefit from being part of the official IPS Pages and come with the support IPS offers. I was tempted again with the Black Friday discount but the support topic doesn't exactly inspire confidence, with gaps in support responses and talk of refunds.



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