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Pages - Upload Field Issues


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I noticed if the file is using a non-common or custom extension for the upload field it will not append the correct file ending on the end anymore. For instance when you do a .mp3 file it will be like:


IPB seems to always add a hash, and then append the file ending again. However when using a custom or non common file ending it will not append it back to the end so then your left with a random hash as the file TYPE.


And it leaves it like that, therefore breaking the file and requiring a manual rename of the file by the end user. Is there any way around this..?

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In the settings for this Upload Field, you have "Upload Type" to Any Files and not Images ?

Or are you using "Editor" for the field type with attachments enabled ? :)

Although unlikely, then go to System > Settings > Posting and just check what you have under the General tab for Attachments , particularly if you have set "Allowed File Extensions"



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