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REDIS configuration optimisation

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We are using IPB 4.3.6 with redis and elastic search. We have multiple servers: one for LoadBalancing and redis, 4 for php, one for Mysql and one for elastic.
We have issues with ram consumpion and swaping the redis server. We have 4 gb ram dedicated for redis, on this server we have 8gb in total.

Generally at night it statred to use more and more memory.



What is wrong? How we can optimize it?

Any ideas how You have configured redis server?

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  • 3 months later...

It might caught from background tasks (some daily tasks like to run at night).

About optimisation - I just switch off all 'save' params. It can provide redis unavailable when you reach number (and volume of saving data) of request larger than you disk can write before next save trigger proceed. Other saving keys dont needed (for IPS) too. Nothing badly if for any reason you flushdb or restart it.

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  • Management

If memory usage is high, then it's probably guest pages that's causing large amounts of storage.

In 4.4, we have a constant to store guest pages in the database, thus freeing up Redis to focus on caching, datastore and sessions.

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