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Sliding Upcoming Events Widget [Support Topic]

A Zayed

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, liquidfractal said:

Hi...this looks really interesting!  But I wanted to know if it's possible to create more than one upcoming events widget, as in different widgets for different pages?

Yeah, different widgets for different pages, automatic play, random order, by time play,.... 

I would like one too 

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16 hours ago, liquidfractal said:

Hi...this looks really interesting!  But I wanted to know if it's possible to create more than one upcoming events widget, as in different widgets for different pages?


15 hours ago, kmk said:

Yeah, different widgets for different pages, automatic play, random order, by time play,.... 

I would like one too 


What's New in Version 2.0.2   

Released Just now

  • Allow Widget Re-use.
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Bought it recently, here a little request relate the data container(author information and which calendar is), I would like hide it, can be without these information, but in case I want it appear, I would like show them inside the slider, in the button. 


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On 12/19/2018 at 12:01 AM, Ramsesx said:

Hi Zayed,

would it be possible to make a line brake or even better a smaller font for the title when the block is in a sidebar? Right now it crops the title which doesn't looks nice. Thanks.


Okay, Considered, Will be added in the soonest release.

On 2/3/2019 at 5:39 PM, kmk said:

Bought it recently, here a little request relate the data container(author information and which calendar is), I would like hide it, can be without these information, but in case I want it appear, I would like show them inside the slider, in the button. 

To remove the bottom bar, you can modify the plugin template by removing this part:

        <div id='elEventHeader_details' class='ipsClearfix ipsAreaBackground ipsPad'>
            <div class="ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_tiny ipsPhotoPanel_notPhone ipsClearfix">
                {template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$event->author(), 'tiny'"}
                    <p class="ipsType_reset ipsType_normal ipsType_blendLinks">
                        {lang="event_created_by" htmlsprintf="$event->author()->link( $event->warningRef() )"}
                    <a href='{$event->container()->url()}' style='color: #fff' class='ipsPos_left ipsResponsive_noFloat cEvents_eventSmall cEvents_style{$event->container()->id}'>{lang="in"} {$event->container()->_title}</a>


From template: slidingUpcomingEvents

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Just purchased this and a couple of questions...

1) Graphic sizes: The graphic size that the events page in calendar needs is quite different from the graphic size that this plug in needs for either the horizontal or the side bar panel.  So, I can either have a correct graphic size for the event page or for the widget - but not for both.  Is there any way around this graphic size problem?

2) The data underneath the image in the plug in (author and what calendar):  Is there a way to change that so that the data it brings in is the event description - which would be much more useful to me than the author information.

3) Is it possible for this to be used other than for Upcoming Events, perhaps pulling recent "Articles" or "Blogs" instead of only events?

I realize the answer to all of these might be no but just letting you know my thoughts.

Looks like a great app if I can get it to do what I'm needing.

Any thoughts you might have would be appreciated?


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Still waiting on a response for your app.  I've even messaged you and no response.

The app is useless to me without the basic functionality of correcting the image size discrepancy between the calendar event (where it pulls the image from is one size) and where the image is used in the app.

Any help would be appreciated.




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Although the Sliding Upcoming Events (SUE) plugin isn't flagged by the PHP8 Compatibility Scanner, it is currently incompatible with the Pages Blocks Manager and breaks the ability to add blocks to pages.

I'm currently using SUE 2.0.3.  When I click a page in the Pages app to open it and edit it with the Block Manager open, if SUE is enabled the Block Manager throws an error window saying it cannot load the list of available plugins.  Cannot edit any page in fact.  If I disable SUE everything works fine.

I have isolated all apps and plugins and this one is definitely the culprit, so please fix as soon as you can. 🙂 

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