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Change unread dot and star?


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I would like to change the diameter and color of the "unread" dots and stars on just the topics list page and the unread content page and nowhere else? Anybody know what code to use in the custom css to accomplish this? This is for 4.2.9 for now.


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Hi Andy,

This is what works BUT it also make other changes on the board that I don't want so need something specific to the topics view and the unread content pages

.fa-circle::before {
  color: #c75050;
  font-size: 20px;

.fa-star::before {
  color: #c75050;
  font-size: 20px;


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Thank you Steve!!

This seems to have done the trick (I added the font size to your code to make them larger) - If that is not the way to do it let me know (since I see the "large" in the code)

[data-pagecontroller="forums"] .ipsItemStatus:not(.ipsItemStatus_large),
[data-pagecontroller="streams"] .ipsItemStatus:not(.ipsItemStatus_large) {
  color: red;
  font-size: 20px;


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