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Pages and Image Sizes


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I'm currently attempting to use the articles template in Pages but I am running into a slight problem.  When I add an image (that's a record image, not an image I drop into the editor) of say 1200px X 600px it appears as a thumbnail instead of the full size image in the article body.  I've search through the ACP and made changes to image dimensions, but the best I can achieve is an image slightly larger than the original thumbnail.  I would prefer the image to be inserted to the size I uploaded.  Apart from this single issue, the rest appears to working out as intended. Has anyone any idea how to overcome this?

With thanks



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That’s the relevant part form the stock display template:

{{if $record->record_image}}
			<div class="cCmsRecord_image">
				<img class="ipsImage" src="{file="$record->_record_image_thumb" extension="cms_Records"}">

As you can see, it uses the thumbnail by default. If you don’t want that, you need to change it to the “record_image” instead. 
This part only changes which stored image is selected. The actual dimensions are defined through the CSS in the code snipped. So you would have to override that as well to change the display dimensions. 

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@opentypeMuch appreciated, once I get updated to 4.3 I'll make those changes.

I would have purchased one of your Marketplace Products, but my upcoming site has somewhat religious overtones to it and you prefer your products not to be used for such, though it is not specifically about any one religion rather it's about the Spiritual aspects of humanity.

Many thanks again


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