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? Reporting sends an email to the incriminated member… ?


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Out of curiosity, was the member that's content was reported also a moderator? 

I honestly don't see this being a thing.  The more likely solution is that the person being reported had permissions to view reports and had e-mail notifications turned on for those reports.

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/* Send notification to mods */
		$moderators = array( 'm' => array(), 'g' => array() );
		foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_moderators' ) as $mod )
			$canView = FALSE;
			if ( $mod['perms'] == '*' )
				$canView = TRUE;
			if ( $canView === FALSE )
				$perms = json_decode( $mod['perms'], TRUE );
				if ( isset( $perms['can_view_reports'] ) AND $perms['can_view_reports'] === TRUE )
					$canView = TRUE;
			if ( $canView === TRUE )
				$moderators[ $mod['type'] ][] = $mod['id'];
		$notification = new \IPS\Notification( \IPS\Application::load('core'), 'report_center', $index, array( $index, $reportInsert, $this ) );
		foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_members', ( count( $moderators['m'] ) ? \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'member_id', $moderators['m'] ) . ' OR ' : '' ) . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'member_group_id', $moderators['g'] ) . ' OR ' . \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet( 'mgroup_others', $moderators['g'] ) ) as $member )
			$notification->recipients->attach( \IPS\Member::constructFromData( $member ) );

The notification is sent here.  It's looking for individual members with 'can_view_reports' permissions and any groups that have 'can_view_reports' permissions.  If the member being reported is in one of the groups with that permission, they'd get notified. 

That said, I could possibly see the benefit in having the moderator being reported excluded from notifications and hide the report from them in the report center, but that's more of a bandaid... If a moderator is legitimately being reported, their moderator status should be re-considered. IMO, I don't see this being a programatic solution but rather an administration solution. 

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