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Multiple widget instances of Guest sign up promt

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I am not sure if this is an issue with the theme that i am using of if the case is the same with the standard theme.
When i edit a page, i have the drawer to the left, that i can drag and drop widgets onto the page. One of them is a Guest sign up promt.

This widget has some text that i can edit, but i want to specify this text depending on what page it is set to. So if i use it on the front page, it should have one text. But if i use it on a blog, it should have an other text. If i use it on calendar, it should have a whole different text.

At the moment, if i edit the text, it will change across all pages that this widges is being used. Is there a way to change this text depending on what page it is on?

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1 minute ago, opentype said:

No. It’s meant to be like this.  

Ok. What i am trying to do, is on a blog post, i want to use a guest promt, saying: If you want to create your own blog, sign up here
On a calendar event, i want to use a promt that says "Sign up here, if you want to add your own events"

The reason i want the promt, is so that the user can get back to that page, once they sign up.

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Thanks both of you!

I went with @opentype suggestion mostly because i have no idea how to make a custom language string.
Still, when i edit the htmlin the content area of each widget, all instances update across the site. So i am guessing that i have made a mistake when creating the custom blocks.

Pages - Blocks - Create new block
Select Plugin + Guest sign up widget
Then fill in the fields with the appropriate information.

Can you spot where i made a mistake?
If i remeat this 3 times, my guess is that i should have 3 instances of this block, that can have different content/text. But they don't. They all update across the site when i change the text

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So what is wrong is this doesn't happen?
When i change the text of one (even in the content tab) it updates the text on the other blocks too.
I have made sure to use three different instances of the blocks or different areas, called guest_blog, guest_calendar and guest_club
But when i change the text on one of them, it changes across all of them

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