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MyAnimeList Tag (Support Topic)


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Purchased, works great for anime pages. :)

However I ran into an issue trying to use this character ID (73953)


MyAnimeList Error: There isn't enough information on the page with this mal id and added to the black list.


Also, where can I find the settings in Admin CP to change the datastore method for this application? I can't seem to find the page (I managed to . find the Member group permissions on the tab)

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3 hours ago, Optic14 said:

MyAnimeList Error: There isn't enough information on the page with this mal id and added to the black list.

This error is given if there is not enough information on a request page. This usually occurs on character/person pages and isn't possible to happen on the anime and manga pages.


3 hours ago, Optic14 said:

Also, where can I find the settings in Admin CP to change the datastore method for this application? I can't seem to find the page (I managed to . find the Member group permissions on the tab)

Click here: http://prntscr.com/iqkpkw Or it is visible?

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Thank you, I see it now. :)

48 minutes ago, magnum357 said:

This error is given if there is not enough information on a request page. This usually occurs on character/person pages and isn't possible to happen on the anime and manga pages.

Okay, so using the example I gave  above (a very new record/character) how much more information does it need for it to work for character pages?

I'm guessing the character needs a record for "Animeography" for it to work?

I tried it with other more popular characters and it works fine.

Over time I am sure it will have more information but I was worried because it says "blacklisted" so does that mean it won't work in future for that ID? Or I just need to try again in future when the page/character has more information?

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Total 6 records required for character or people.

For example: If a character has

  • 2 manga and 4 anime records, it works:
  • 5 manga and 1 anime records, it works.
  • 2 manga and 2 anime records, it doesn't work.

The same logic applies to the person.


The black list is also cleared while you clear the cache of the site from IPB / Support. Purpose of blacklist isn't to request for a page that can not work when every page is refreshed. In next update, I guess I better explain that message a little more. ?

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I understand the dilemma. 

I think for characters with few anime/manga titles, maybe show the character information/biography directly below Recent Anime/Manga list (still wrap on right-side of image) ? I guess the only issue is it might look odd after you click "Read more" if the biography is quite long (not sure if it will wrap nicely around right-side of image - at the moment, biography is below the image which works well)

I hope there is a future solution, we do discuss many anime characters from anime movie titles and after trying some more characters, at the moment the criteria is too strict. :(

Otherwise, everything else is good! :)

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@magnum357 I have a feature request..

Would you consider adding an option so for anime/manga it downloads the English title instead of the Japanese romaji title? We prefer to use the English titles on our community.

(in the topic title we already include the romaji title in brackets)

Nevermind I just noticed the dropdown arrow that shows all the titles. ?

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Thanks, that fixed it! :)


I think for the YouTube trailer button it should be the same colour as IPS button class, as you can see above for my dark theme it looks too bright. Maybe same CSS class as this button below?



You have same colour/CSS class in your test screenshot above here:



Also I think the rank flag overlay on top of the anime poster image is "a little obstructive" (for newer titles the ranking can be xxxx - a big number so it covers a lot of the image)

I prefer the old position (lower left corner) in screenshot above of "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san"

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2 hours ago, Optic14 said:

I think for the YouTube trailer button it should be the same colour as IPS button class, as you can see above for my dark theme it looks too bright.

Actually I set the true color of YouTube because video opens on YouTube. If i set the YouTube class of IPB on your board, it looks like this:


I can't do anything else about it unless all my customers reject. So I will use the YouTube class of iPB.

Add the following code to the custom css file of your theme if you still dont like it:

.myanimelist_trailer {
	background #<your color> !important;



2 hours ago, Optic14 said:

Also I think the rank flag overlay on top of the anime poster image is "a little obstructive" (for newer titles the ranking can be xxxx - a big number so it covers a lot of the image)

I prefer the old position (lower left corner) in screenshot above of "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san"

What about this? If rank is below the number you entered as a setting, it appears on the cover image. If not, it appears on old position.


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Ah yes I see. Now I remember the YouTube trailer icon used to be an icon, same class. Yes happy to use custom.css to adjust, thanks!

Regarding rank, yes that would be a good option for me.

And thanks for the prompt responses, I do understand you have to accomodate he needs of many users for your apps. Your prompt support is very much appreciated.

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