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Google Auth login handler is failing


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I'm setting up users to login via their google account, but I get this:

"Google rejected the details provided. Please check the details you provided have been entered correctly and try again."

I've followed the guide at: 


There are a few things different from what google has now. My settings are as follows. I have tried http/https/main domain/subdomain. None of them seem to work.


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Hi @blue9 I followed the same guide, and yes some of the screenshots have changed indeed but the same principles apply:

  • Create project inside Google Developer Console
  • Enable Google+ API
  • Create Credentials (Oauth Type: Web Application) which will generate your client ID and secret which you put in IPS Admin CP

I would put your IPS URL for "Authorized Javascript origins" (forum.43oh.com)

The error looks like your Oauth credentals are maybe incorrect? You definitely generated the credentials for the right category and also enabled Google+ API ?

Only other possibility I can think of is maybe your server is blocking outgoing connections to Google but it's unlikely..

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