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Some IP Pages not working after update to 4.2.5

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Some of my pages after upgrading to IPB 4.2.5 (from 4.2.4) are not working (but some are).  I tried clearing cache and submitted a ticket.  Anyone else getting this?

I get this error on the pages that don't work.

Sorry, there is a problem
The page you requested does not exist
Error code: 1S160/2

The page and associated blocks are still in the control panel.

@Lindy @Matt @bfarber Hoping you guys can help.  This is putting parts of my site offline in what seems to be a bug in IPB 4.2.5 (at least for Pages).  I have a ticket submitted with example URLs and access to the CP.

I confirmed the permissions are set correctly.

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There is an issue for those using Pages in the root with the unsupported gateway file. A patch will be available hopefully later today (under System -> Support -> Something not working correctly) 

Please note, however, the gateway is not a supported or recommended solution and was provided for legacy purposes. Long-term, please consider moving your Invision installation to the root of your web directory structure, then:

1. Edit conf_global.php to change the base_url to reflect the root (ie: remove /forums, /community, etc) 

2. Login to your AdminCP and click System -> Support -> Something isn't working correctly. 

3. Go to the 'Applications' page of your AdminCP and click the star icon next to the 'Pages' application. 

4. Go to the Pages app, use the dropdown and choose which page you would like set as the default page. 

5. Go to 'Search Engine Optimization' and click the hyperlink that says "download this file" -- upload the htaccess to the same directory as conf_global.php 

If you have any issues or concerns, please open a support request and we can further advise. I would really recommend not putting this off forever as again, the gateway was provided to accommodate legacy configurations to allow time to put in place a proper and recommended configuration. This is not something we guarantee will work forever and I'd hate for you to be caught off guard one day. 

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