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Are these filetypes supported? Neither seem to be from my quick test on my own site.

They are coming pretty common (example, 4chan uses webm as a replacement for gifs, and Imgur uses gifv) and it would be handy for them to be supported as they get even more popular.

I had a media plugin thing for gifv on my old 3.x install, is it coming to 4.x?

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34 minutes ago, Simon Woods said:

@Mack_au It's an embed mechanism, so you need to use the post of whatever you're linking to.

In the example, it is:



Ah okay. I don't really like embedding things like that for pictures, I'll just work around it.

Thanks :)

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2 minutes ago, Mack_au said:

Ah okay. I don't really like embedding things like that for pictures, I'll just work around it.

Thanks :)

From what I've noticed I don't think you're going to find it convenient to continually facilitate the use of imgur as lazy image hosting. They seem pretty intent on being a platform in the shape of Facebook, Twitter, etc.

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