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Avatar issue


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I upgraded from 3.4.9 to and when I'm looking at avatars in the ACP, most of the users avatar images are broken. Some users have their avatars that uploaded to the site. I'm not exactly sure if these users had gravatars before the upgrade but it seems like every single person I see with a broken avatar image is set to gravatar.

I did a database backup before I upgraded. Where can I check if a user had a gravatar before the upgrade?

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Here is an example when looking at the source of the acp members page for someone with a broken avatar image.



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I'm thinking many of these users never actually had a gravatar for an avatar. Something in the upgrade went in and set them as using a gravatar and their email addresses of course aren't on record for having a gravatar so I get a broken avatar image on the admin panel. I can just change them back to having no avatar one by one and that will fix it but there are hundreds of users like this.

Is there a quicker way I can just select all the users and change them all to not use a avatar? I couldn't find where it stores the avatar info in the database or I would have just run a query.

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That doesn’t sound right. Gravatar isn’t a per-user choice or setting. If there is no image uploaded, the system contacts the Gravatar server to check if there is an image for the email address and if not, it falls back to the theme default image. And that would be the first check for broken images: to see what the check returns and whether the default image exists. But since you didn’t post the actual URL, we can’t do that. If you can’t provide more details, just open a support ticket and let IPS staff check it out on your site. Otherwise it’s just guesswork here. 

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