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"Flag as spammer" should be undoable or harder to trigger


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The "Flag as spammer" button in the admin area makes it too easy to wreck a user's account, with no just-as-easy path to undoing it. A single click disables the account and hides all of its content, and clicking the "un-flag as spammer" button does not roll most of it back. I'm opening this thread today after accidentally clicking flagging a user led to manually going through a user's entire post history to unhide everything.

With how easy and destructive it is to perform the "flag as spammer" action, to protect against accidents, I'm requesting that the "un-flag as spammer" button be improved to fully undo the "flag as spammer" action. Alternatively, the "flag as spammer" button could be modified to require a confirmation, with a warning that the action cannot be easily undone.

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I am not sure if the upcoming delayed deletes feature is going to help against it. I know that one my community administrators have flagged me as spammer and they were able to recreate the user without installing mysql backups or so.

We face ~5 spammers every day even though we use recaptcha2 and custom security questions changing frequently. I am actually very happy that it's that easy to flag spammers, but it would be nice to undo that without causing harm.

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