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Removing the forum (or all) breadcrumb...


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Just to say using display: none; on link elements is kind of a bad idea as google *can* be pretty hard on extensive use as they consider it hidden content and possibly black hat seo tricks. I would be careful about doing this tbh.

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On 2017-03-07 at 9:14 PM, amator said:

Can be done for one page only? I want to remove it from the landing page

Well, you could add the CSS code inside the html page that is your landing page:

<style type="text/css">
	.ipsBreadcrumb.ipsBreadcrumb_top {
	    display: none;


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if you just want to remove the forums title just from the homepage header  you can just add this it will only remove the forums and not from the breadcrumbs

add to css

body[data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="index"] .ipsPageHeader{ display: none; }

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