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[PAID] Custom plug-in for Commerce


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I need a custom plug-in that will allow one specific identified user (in addition to admins) to:

1.  View the list of Pending invoices and be able to mark individual invoices paid.   

2.  View the list of Expired invoices and be able to renew the invoice and resend it to the user.

We have a "club" where paid members are given premium access.  The elected Club Treasurer needs to be able to record the receipt of Manual payments (checks or money orders mailed in), and to renew/resend expired invoices as necessary.   I do not want to give the Treasurer full admin privileges and think of no other way to do this, given the built-in functionality...

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7 hours ago, KentT said:

I do not want to give the Treasurer full admin privileges

You can fine grain his Administrator permissions in ACP under Members - Staff -Administrators. This may or may not be sufficient. I do a similar thing for the treasurer of my site.

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I understand -- but our Treasurer is so computer illiterate that he'd never be able to use the whole customer/invoice/transaction sales process that  IPS uses. (I have problems with it myself.)

 It needs to be greatly simplified for him, so that he can focus on only what he needs to report/control.

7 hours ago, Ausy said:

You can fine grain his Administrator permissions in ACP under Members - Staff -Administrators. This may or may not be sufficient. I do a similar thing for the treasurer of my site.


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