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i did a page speed Performance Scores and my results look like this

is there anything i need to fix

score (1).pngscore.png


any one in my .htaccess i put some codes in there an this is what my results when i arange some folders

to get this results u have to add some codes to the htaccess where you have css bult folder if you dont add the codes u will get Defer parsing of JavaScript issues and edit the them to use Just before </body> tag make sure that is checked

Nope,That's very very good results :) better then mine or might say invisionpower results 

Could further;)



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thank you have moved my Theme to its on folder than i add .htaccess and put some codes in there maybe i can share i dont want to get a warning for this but maybe this will help you


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question how do i get my image to Serve scaled images  to the same uel


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