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Error trying to delete a newsletter:

DELETE FROM `newsletters_distribution_logs` WHERE newsletter_id=1
IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'shrimpke_ipb.newsletters_distribution_logs' doesn't exist (1146)
#0 /var/www/html/forum/system/Db/Db.php(946): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\newslette...', Array)
#1 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/sources/Newsletter/Newsletter.php(305): IPS\_Db->delete('newsletters_dis...', Array)
#2 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/modules/admin/newsletters/newsletters.php(478): IPS\newsletters\_Newsletter->delete()
#3 [internal function]: IPS\newsletters\modules\admin\newsletters\_newsletters->delete()
#4 /var/www/html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): call_user_func(Array)
#5 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/modules/admin/newsletters/newsletters.php(27): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#6 /var/www/html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\newsletters\modules\admin\newsletters\_newsletters->execute()
#7 /var/www/html/forum/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#8 {main}


Email isn't translating the member name, looks like double brackets?

Hi {{member_name}}, 


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Hi headstand,

I'm interested in your plugin, but I have a severe notice:

  1. It's nice to being able to select the member groups, which shall receive the newsletter. But there should be an essential selection switch: I need it to select the members that opted in to "receive emails by admin". This is the option, which can be selected on the registration screen or in the notification settings. There are a lot countries, like in the EU, where you are not allowed to send emails, if members haven't explicitly opted in!
  2. As an alternative, it could be possible to have a special "optin" option in the notification settings. But this means, that all members have to be opted out per default. And they must take individual action to optin for newsletters. Problem will be big communities with >100.000 members, that many members will newer optin. So (1.) should be better.
  3. Moreover you should also be able to select to only send to members "receive emails by admin" that have been online during the last <xxx> days. Like in the IPS bulk email options.

Anyway, I think this should be a standard feature in IPS to have some placeholders for "last newest 10 topics" or "newest 5 downloads" or....

What I would like to realize is something like this newsletter structure f.e.:

  • HEADER IMAGE / BANNER (individually designed)
  • INDIVIDUALLY WRITTEN INTRODUCTION ("Hi xyz, this is our newsletter for christmas 2016..."
    Here are our newest themes from last week
    <placeholder for newest themes from last week> <- your plugin
    Here are our newest downloads from last week
    <placeholder for newest downloads from last week> <- your plugin
  • SECTION 3 (individual advertisement, text & banner)

I'm not sure if I could realize this structure with your plugin and

# use different "placeholders", and
# also multiple content elements placeholders in the same newsletter and
# have individual manually written content in between the sections (mixed contents and placeholders in sequence)

And I would also love to get at least 1 or 2 predesigned templates. I'm not a good template designer and I would be totally satisfied with a basically designed template, that looks better than plain html... :)

I know, a lot input at once... Anyway, good work! I'm going to be curious, how this plugin evolves... Thanks!

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4 hours ago, Cyboman said:
  1. It's nice to being able to select the member groups, which shall receive the newsletter. But there should be an essential selection switch: I need it to select the members that opted in to "receive emails by admin". This is the option, which can be selected on the registration screen or in the notification settings. There are a lot countries, like in the EU, where you are not allowed to send emails, if members haven't explicitly opted in!
  2. As an alternative, it could be possible to have a special "optin" option in the notification settings. But this means, that all members have to be opted out per default. And they must take individual action to optin for newsletters. Problem will be big communities with >100.000 members, that many members will newer optin. So (1.) should be better.
  3. Moreover you should also be able to select to only send to members "receive emails by admin" that have been online during the last <xxx> days. Like in the IPS bulk email options.

I will add #1. #2 already exists (users can subscribe/unsubscribe from newsletters). As for #3, I'm not looking to add any kind of filters or anything similar to the bulk mail - I think if you're looking to do that, use bulk mail.

4 hours ago, Cyboman said:

What I would like to realize is something like this newsletter structure f.e.:

  • HEADER IMAGE / BANNER (individually designed)
  • INDIVIDUALLY WRITTEN INTRODUCTION ("Hi xyz, this is our newsletter for christmas 2016..."
    Here are our newest themes from last week
    <placeholder for newest themes from last week> <- your plugin
    Here are our newest downloads from last week
    <placeholder for newest downloads from last week> <- your plugin
  • SECTION 3 (individual advertisement, text & banner)

I'm not sure if I could realize this structure with your plugin and

# use different "placeholders", and
# also multiple content elements placeholders in the same newsletter and
# have individual manually written content in between the sections (mixed contents and placeholders in sequence)

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. All yes. All do-able. ;) 

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5 hours ago, HeadStand said:

The above is what my tests look like. When you edit your newsletter, check the "Content" tab and make sure that the Template dropdown is set to the empty option.


then i select this one, via editing the content tab.. looks the same for me the screenshot I took. I had to create the template manually, even after reinstalling. 

Edited by Jimmy Gavekort
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7 hours ago, HeadStand said:

Right.... I said don't use ANY template and it will take the lPS wrapper. What you did was generate an empty template and use it. Not quite what I said. ;)

It did not do that for me, i even reinstalled it. This is how it looks when I choose the "empty" one.. Yes, i have updated it.

EDIT: It seems like the Preview does not actual preview it if using the IPS Wrapper. Thanks!


Edited by Jimmy Gavekort
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- Force all users to subscribe to specific news letter (force, as in enable it for them once then they can disable if wanted).
- Ability to edit the default IPS Template (maybe adding some extra txt here n there).
- Ability to enable it, so all new people that register gets signed up on the news letter automatically.

@HeadStand really hope to see those, merry christmas <3

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40 minutes ago, Jimmy Gavekort said:

- Force all users to subscribe to specific news letter (force, as in enable it for them once then they can disable if wanted).
- Ability to edit the default IPS Template (maybe adding some extra txt here n there).
- Ability to enable it, so all new people that register gets signed up on the news letter automatically.

@HeadStand really hope to see those, merry christmas <3

#1 - it already works like this. That's what the "Default Groups" setting is for when you edit the newsletter.

#2 - in theory you could copy the IPS template and use it to create a new template. There isn't really anything for me to do here, you just need to copy/paste.

#3 - It already works like this. See my comment on #1.

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11 hours ago, TheSkyLounge.tv said:

Just to clarify... this will send via email on generation right?

@HeadStand Thank you this gets me very excited, I didn't see a sample email in your photos, I'm looking for something that will at least include the thread preview image...all text just won't get peoples attention. Is there a sample you could email me perhaps?

Edited by TheSkyLounge.tv
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13 hours ago, TheSkyLounge.tv said:

@HeadStand Thank you this gets me very excited, I didn't see a sample email in your photos, I'm looking for something that will at least include the thread preview image...all text just won't get peoples attention. Is there a sample you could email me perhaps?

I don't have samples because I don't have an actual site. But I can tell you that the layout is 100% customizable, so you can show anything you want any way you want to. 

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3 minutes ago, TheSkyLounge.tv said:

I'm a bit of a noob, if there is anyone here able to create a nice clean "digest" template for me I'm willing to pay for your time. I just want the newsletter to go out HTML with a header and footer, each post should pull in the preview image and a short summary, bing bam boom....

what the template like at moment ? also need remember few email client don't support HTML 

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2 hours ago, TheSkyLounge.tv said:

I'm a bit of a noob, if there is anyone here able to create a nice clean "digest" template for me I'm willing to pay for your time. I just want the newsletter to go out HTML with a header and footer, each post should pull in the preview image and a short summary, bing bam boom....

I'd be interested as well

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